Youth Center CK13

Civic organization ‘Youth Center CK13’ is a polyvalent social and cultural center aiming at strengthening political self-consciousness, self-organizing and social engagement of citizens, youth in particular, through organizing continuous multifaceted program of political, activist, educational, cultural, and artistic activities designed towards personal and social emancipation. Youth Center CK13 has been working since 2007 in its local community and stands as one of the few remaining independent public spaces in Novi Sad. As such, CK13 holds a unique place of critical importance in local community and the region as a pivotal meeting point, autonomous political and cultural center, and a resource center providing space and other resources for other CSOs, initiatives and self-organized citizens in Novi Sad and beyond to freely implement their actions and programs. Providing a forum for public dialogue on sensitive and pressing issues, the center provides an alternative to the pervasive depoliticization of everyday life and to the institutional vacuum regarding development and sustainability of independent public spaces. CK13 affirms the values of Anti-fascism, solidarity, non-violence, democracy, human rights, equality, feminism, pluralism, responsibility, dialogue and openness.

CK13’s strategy is to creatively use Arts and Culture, Social Education, and Political Activism, integrating them into organizing strategies for community building practices. Hence, each CK13 program – of its own production or through partnerships with other OCSs – is recognized as a framework for people’s participation and partnership development and thus serves a larger community building function of CK13.

CK13 runs following programs:

Political ProgramEveryday Is Political



Art Gallery CK13


Open Kitchen


Major funders:

  • Schueler Helfen Leben (Berlin, Germany)
  • National Endowment for Democracy (Washington, USA)
  • Open Society Foundations, Serbia